Dont knw why I wrote this....
You ….
As a faith floating for wetness to subdue parched land,
As a desire of mother ocean to crawl over desert sand,
As a silent prayer rekindling flames at heaven,
As a sweet little angel to show the bright star so even,
As a truth that is clamped to oneself beyond death to live,
With halo around you your love seemed eternity.
The frigid snow clad has have begun to flow,
The turbulent tide have began to grow,
The cyclonic heat of the incandescent sun is at throw,
The deep uproar of the nature’s fury has commenced to show,
The vastness of the night sky with zillion stars have began to fade,
But your tender love so pure and ideal to protect me and shade.
The enduring ray of wisdom pierces through the agony of night,
The crystalline dew has fallen together as amoeba to fight,
The fragrance, the enigma, the rhythm of life has began to trumpet in air,
The immortal heart and the psyche soul both without heir,
Still you stand un-conditional with arms open with love so radiating.
From the tormenting depths of the oceans,
From the heavenly sky and the stars,
From the purest part of the prayer,
From the dreams to dreams come true,
You have come to lend your dreams and love so beautiful.
Poem on love ?? Something new brewing up ?? ;) ;) Updates required. Waise, I guess, we were shielded too much in our idyllic school days from the dark and gory world outside!! But, probably that has made good human beings out of us. :) The two aspects of a coin. :D
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