Monday, December 11, 2006

Our Earth a Cosmic Ball

Random Thoughts: My Opine
Our Earth a Cosmic Ball

As I look up, the night sky seems to be a static and cloistered from our earth. The moon is the bright and the largest entity among the volley of stars. As I look up and think of time as an entity I feel that the quantization of time bears two different units for us the mortals and other for the heavenly immortals. When I was a kid and looked up at the night sky they bore a configuration, and now too they bore a same configuration as for a mundane person like me who does not get into nit gritty of Astronomy. What is a ‘SECOND’ for them absolutely nothing for them not-even a miniscule for them. And light year which is unfathomable to us is the unit of there time.

What if god really existed??[I am an Atheist] but still what if he really existed in Himalayas or for that sake any part of the universe. May be Jupiter, Pluto or where ever possible may be. What if there are more than one God[Though religious literature of many of the religion explicitly states that there is only one god and that is theirs] But since science or our any of our religious institutions have not yet proved these facts let me take the liberty to assume that there are more than one god. Rather there are many gods.

Now as a living being I am bound to “Karma” as in all actions that I do as a speck with respect to the Universe, [In reality we are not even a spec w.r.t to the Universe] and the limited actually a very limited thinking and conceiving power that I do possess [I am assuming it for granted] I am assuming that Gods are also bound too “Karma”. [Now I am confused, for “karma” can only be attributed to mortals, but may be the gods too are mortals but immortal with respect to us, as I have already sighted the difference in unit of time that is common to us are very much different for the mortals and the heavenly immortals], so am assuming that gods too are bound by “karma”.

But where are we with all this story telling and intricate tales?? Well before revealing out this to you, let me also clarify my concept of “karma”, for me it is a verb, that it signifies motion. Any thing that moves or takes place is ‘karma’.

The picture that I was trying to put up was rather as our earth; rather our whole universe is part of the game of the gods. A complex game with a lasting time of a period which we cant even think of. A game may be like snooker, or billiards or rather something that is remotely fathomable. And may be one hit by the cue has set us rotating around the sun or may it is one of the legendary ‘Bend it like Beckham’ kick and we are still transferring towards the goal. What so be it, but who are we then? Where do we come from in the world of god dome. Were we really planted by our saviors our lord our god or were we just started to exist and may be he never came to know about it.

Well, ever thought what your snooker ball or a football might be carrying with them while you are having a good time with them?? The only thing that I can thing of residing and living on the surface of the play ball are bacteria or viruses. [Sorry, but I have already mentioned about my short coming w.r.t to limited thinking capability and now putting in a more gullible manner my shallow knowledge in the field of biology]. So as far as I can think viruses and bacteria are the only living entity that might exist on the surface of a play ball.

Now that I have stated my picture to you, it might be easy for you to think what’s on my mind a real picture would really look like. Well yes we are bacteria/viruses residing and colonizing over the Cosmic Ball. And yes as don’t even think or care about the livings over our play ball the same may be the case with the gods, they might not even know that we existed.

On the other side I was thinking whether the viruses or the bacteria that we deal with are enough literate to think as I am thinking or may be the one of them that has been residing on the Beckham’s shoot be articulating the same thoughts?? So my take is: bigger the difference in the unit of time for us & the heavenly bodies the lengthier will be our existence and yes the dooms day may be a Golden Goal.

Now for the moral: Watch the night sky and don’t think. Night time is supposedly for sleeping, [Xcept for Nocturnal’s like me] & not for scribbling. So next time you ever look at the heavenly sky at night just enjoy the vast serenity of the space the beautiful moon and the twinkling stars and then jus go to sleep .


Blogger Siddharth said...

I see the comments column blank so here's the first one... weird blog i must say..but you know adding to the you call GOD different from us and probably he is the almighty so he might even know about all the bacteria and viruses residing on his boot unlike a lesser mortal like say Mr.Beckham.. what say?

9:56 PM  

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