Sunday, April 08, 2007


Ambition is not a vice of little people.That formidable force that makes one believe that one needs what one usually only desires; that mind-set that is really more of an entity that sits on ones shoulder, and relentlessly screams “further, further”; that asset that makes those who are not zealous, jealous... That is ambition.

Ambition is the ultimate wonder of the world! Ambition made all seven of them and more...shouldn’t it be regarded as their veritable (no matter how intangible) superior? From the conception to the design to the construction to the completion, ambition was the proverbial foreman, as once again we see that collective zeal create a phenomenon...thus...Ambition is the source of all that is good and all that is evil! It makes the wonders and it makes the wars.Ambition makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise! Doesn’t it? Observe this immortal quotation of Henry Ford:"Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right"The truth he successfully conveys is that we are the scribes of our own destiny.

It is ambition that makes us think we can be successful, and lack of ambition that makes us think we cannot. Ambition and Luck are both archenemies and best of friends.Ambition is a pain in the neck! It is the finger that sets the alarm for 8am, the fingers that turn the cold key of the cold car on a cold, cold morning. It compels us to do what we’d really rather put off until tomorrow, it slaps the wrist of apathy. Ambition is the sole witness at the sepulture of the "unsuccessful at everything". You see, ambitious tears only fall from a fountain of youth- so they'll kiss the piled soil, make it wet, and whisper with complacence, "i made you successful at being unsuccessful". Because ambition never likes to give in.



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