HappY Independence Day

15th August, 2008 marks the 61st anniversary on Indian Independence after ceasing to be a British colony after a very long time. Freedom, yes freedom, India has attained freedom since 1947, freedom from the rule of an alien government which had curbed India’s potential growth in various forms. So here we have now a “FREE” India, thanks and regards to all the patriots who had contributed with the lives and death for the Indian liberation movement.
61 years, I don’t know if this amount time is/was inevitably required for Indians to realize and to gain the other forms of Freedom other than the governance. What is the one omnipresent difference that we see in the India today and India pre Independence? From my point of view which is neither political nor indifferent from the present political affair is National Integrity. We fought the British as a country not as states, the whole of India stood together and pitched in together to fight against the alien force there was no difference on cultural, religious or social grounds. Everyone did what had they had to do, for the goal was common and of prime importance to each individual. But what happened after that? Did we miss out our new goal of getting India to as a front runner not just economically but also to unleash in true sense freedom? As we gained freedom we did learn new linguistic words like bureaucracy, bribery and many such similar words and unleashed it to the complete.
What is freedom to us? Does it ring any bells? Is freedom that was sought out by the hardship of so many martyrs only for the chosen few? India might have attained political freedom but are we still free? Are we free from mind? Freedom politically can be a mass phenomenon but the essence of which lies on each individual and its onto each and every individual to protect to bestow the gift of freedom to himself and to people around them. Dowry- I simply don’t know how ever this custom came into Indian practice, for Indians have always enjoyed the state of very high cultural heritage and these kind of customs (If people wish to call it a custom – now days they just call it Maa Pita ka pyar- but in real terms it’s a bribery ..sheer bribery.) And it sucks to see that in the present state of affairs people who call them educated and sophisticated still vow by it. So is this the freedom that we were looking forward for? Child labor- is freedom only for adults? This one is one of the worst forms of once exploitation of human fundamental rights. Female Feticide – Ohh yes freedom is just for people who are exist on planet earth isn’t it? And you have no freedom if you are still unborn; your destiny is governed by people around you, and since you as an unborn child and cant fight against it your destiny is bound to society which alts to the complex viscous circle that encompasses you and your life. Is this freedom, where your decisions and the destiny of helpless people bound in the hands of few who had set up rules to run the mankind?? What kind of freedom is this in which a person is identified not just by his country, but by his cast, region and sex? Are we still so primitive and orthodox and remarkably so immature that we cant make our decisions and our destiny is so bound that we dare to think beyond that?
Freedom according to me is a concept where you are free to do what you ought to do keeping in sync with humanity and you should be empowered enough to follow the path taken by you. Freedom is a dot (.) free from scratches of ill will of society, poverty and exploitation.
One of my very good friend introduced me to CRY, an NGO by nature working for the good will of kids. In short you can touch the lives of so many kids just by a simple gesture. Thanks to her for introducing me to it. Let’s get together and try and change the life of these kids who are the most exploited of the lot.
HappY Independence to All.
Saare Jahan Se Aacha....
61 years, I don’t know if this amount time is/was inevitably required for Indians to realize and to gain the other forms of Freedom other than the governance. What is the one omnipresent difference that we see in the India today and India pre Independence? From my point of view which is neither political nor indifferent from the present political affair is National Integrity. We fought the British as a country not as states, the whole of India stood together and pitched in together to fight against the alien force there was no difference on cultural, religious or social grounds. Everyone did what had they had to do, for the goal was common and of prime importance to each individual. But what happened after that? Did we miss out our new goal of getting India to as a front runner not just economically but also to unleash in true sense freedom? As we gained freedom we did learn new linguistic words like bureaucracy, bribery and many such similar words and unleashed it to the complete.
What is freedom to us? Does it ring any bells? Is freedom that was sought out by the hardship of so many martyrs only for the chosen few? India might have attained political freedom but are we still free? Are we free from mind? Freedom politically can be a mass phenomenon but the essence of which lies on each individual and its onto each and every individual to protect to bestow the gift of freedom to himself and to people around them. Dowry- I simply don’t know how ever this custom came into Indian practice, for Indians have always enjoyed the state of very high cultural heritage and these kind of customs (If people wish to call it a custom – now days they just call it Maa Pita ka pyar- but in real terms it’s a bribery ..sheer bribery.) And it sucks to see that in the present state of affairs people who call them educated and sophisticated still vow by it. So is this the freedom that we were looking forward for? Child labor- is freedom only for adults? This one is one of the worst forms of once exploitation of human fundamental rights. Female Feticide – Ohh yes freedom is just for people who are exist on planet earth isn’t it? And you have no freedom if you are still unborn; your destiny is governed by people around you, and since you as an unborn child and cant fight against it your destiny is bound to society which alts to the complex viscous circle that encompasses you and your life. Is this freedom, where your decisions and the destiny of helpless people bound in the hands of few who had set up rules to run the mankind?? What kind of freedom is this in which a person is identified not just by his country, but by his cast, region and sex? Are we still so primitive and orthodox and remarkably so immature that we cant make our decisions and our destiny is so bound that we dare to think beyond that?
Freedom according to me is a concept where you are free to do what you ought to do keeping in sync with humanity and you should be empowered enough to follow the path taken by you. Freedom is a dot (.) free from scratches of ill will of society, poverty and exploitation.
One of my very good friend introduced me to CRY, an NGO by nature working for the good will of kids. In short you can touch the lives of so many kids just by a simple gesture. Thanks to her for introducing me to it. Let’s get together and try and change the life of these kids who are the most exploited of the lot.
HappY Independence to All.
Saare Jahan Se Aacha....
سارے جہاں سے اچھا ہندوستاں ہماراہم بلبليں ہيں اس کي، يہ گلستاں ہمارا
غربت ميں ہوں اگر ہم، رہتا ہے دل وطن ميںسمجھو وہيں ہميں بھي، دل ہو جہاں ہمارا
پربت وہ سب سے اونچا، ہمسايہ آسماں کاوہ سنتري ہمارا، وہ پاسباں ہمارا
گودي ميں کھيلتي ہيں اس کي ہزاروں ندياںگلشن ہے جن کے دم سے رشک جناں ہمارا
اے آب رود گنگا، وہ دن ہيں ياد تجھ کو؟اترا ترے کنارے جب کارواں ہمارا
مذہب نہيں سکھاتا آپس ميں بير رکھناہندي ہيں ہم وطن ہے ہندوستاں ہمارا
يونان و مصر و روما سب مٹ گئے جہاں سےاب تک مگر ہے باقي نام و نشاں ہمارا
کچھ بات ہے کہ ہستي مٹتي نہيں ہماريصديوں رہا ہے دشمن دور زماں ہمارا
اقبال! کوئي محرم اپنا نہيں جہاں ميںمعلوم کيا کسي کو درد نہاں ہمارا
غربت ميں ہوں اگر ہم، رہتا ہے دل وطن ميںسمجھو وہيں ہميں بھي، دل ہو جہاں ہمارا
پربت وہ سب سے اونچا، ہمسايہ آسماں کاوہ سنتري ہمارا، وہ پاسباں ہمارا
گودي ميں کھيلتي ہيں اس کي ہزاروں ندياںگلشن ہے جن کے دم سے رشک جناں ہمارا
اے آب رود گنگا، وہ دن ہيں ياد تجھ کو؟اترا ترے کنارے جب کارواں ہمارا
مذہب نہيں سکھاتا آپس ميں بير رکھناہندي ہيں ہم وطن ہے ہندوستاں ہمارا
يونان و مصر و روما سب مٹ گئے جہاں سےاب تک مگر ہے باقي نام و نشاں ہمارا
کچھ بات ہے کہ ہستي مٹتي نہيں ہماريصديوں رہا ہے دشمن دور زماں ہمارا
اقبال! کوئي محرم اپنا نہيں جہاں ميںمعلوم کيا کسي کو درد نہاں ہمارا
Present Mood: have lost all mood
Listening to: Vande Mataram- Lata Mangeshkar
Labels: Freedom